Teaching Staff

Dr. Dinesh Haldar

  • M.Sc., Ph.D.
  • H.O.D and Associate Professor
  • Mycology & Plant Pathology, (Fungal Taxonomy )

  • haldar.dinesh85@gmail.com

Dr. Papia Chakraborti

  • M.Sc., Ph.D.
  • Principal & Adjunct Faculty of the Department of Botany
  • Cell Biology, Genetics and Biotechnology

  • bkccollegebonhooghly@gmail.com
  •   Profile  

Dr. Sangita Gangopadhyay

  • M.Sc., M. Phil., Ph.D.
  • Associate Professor
  • Plant Physiology & Biochemistry

  • sangitagangopadhyay@gmail.com
  •   Profile  

Dr. Swapan Mandal

  • M.Sc., Ph.D.
  • Assistant Professor
  • Cytogenetics and Plant Breeding

  • swapanb1@rediffmail.com
  •   Profile  

Dr. Biswarupa Ghosh

  • M.Sc., Ph. D.
  • Assistant Professor
  • Angiosperm Taxonomy & Plant Ecology

  • biswarupa_g@yahoo.com
  •   Profile  

Dr. Dipanshu Kr. Vishwas

  • M.Sc., Ph.D.
  • Assistant Professor
  • Molecular Biology & Biotechnology

  • dipanshu.sls@gmail.com
  •   Profile  

Dr. Suchismita Chakraborty

  • M.Sc., M.Phil., Ph.D.
  • Associate Professor
  • Mycology & Plant Pathology

  • hodbotanybkcc@gmail.com

Dr. Priyanka Dhar

  • M.Sc., Ph. D.
  • Assistant Professor
  • Cell Biology, Genetics and Biotechnology

  • priyankodrdo@gmail.com
  •   Profile  

1. The Department has organized local field excursion to Ram Krisha Mission, Narendrapur; Acharya Jagadish Chandra Bose Botanic Garden, Shibpur and Eco-Park, West Bengal in the session 2015-16, 2016-17 and 2017-18.
2. The Department has organized long field excursion to RaVangla, Sikkim in the session 2015-16 and Vizag-Araku Valley, Vishakhapattanam, Andhra Pradesh in the session 2017-18.
3. The Department has created a Herbarium of Flora collected during excursions from local and other phytogeographical zones.
4. The Department has established an "Eco Club" for developing academic, environmental, cultural and social enthusiasm of students.
5. It also conducts Students' Seminars and Project Assignments on syllabus topics, medicinal plants, Pollution issues and Biodiversity Conservation of the adjacent BonHooghly lake.

1.Well-equipped laboratories to cater to the demand of under graduate Honours and General courses; facilities of carrying out Plant Tissue Culture, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Plant Physiology, Biochemistry, Cytology and all classical branches of Botany.
2. Facility of Seminar Library
3. Computer with internet facility for students
4. Teaching through audio-visual aids used for ICT based techniques

1. The department encourages scientific enquiry through workshops, seminars and scientific poster presentation by its faculty and students.
2. Workshop on ‘Instrument Familiarization Drive’ was organised by the department on 16th September, 2016.
3. UG-Students seminar on Advances in Life Sciences, series-I was organised on 18th October, 2016.
4. Students Ms Shreejita Mullick Part-II and Mr. Deepanjan Dutta Part-I have presented poster on Catharanthus roseus the miracle drug for cancer treatment’ at National Science Meet-2nd-3rd March, 2016 at Hiralal Mazumdar Memorial College for Women, Kolkata.

Janaki Ammal Sacred Grove
In 2016, the Eco-Club of the department established Dr.Janaki Ammal Sacred Grove-Biodiversity Conservation Site' in the college campus. The sacred grove is a part of a wet land corridor for wild flora and fauna. This sacred grove was inspired by the enthusiasm for life science and conservation of the nationally and internationally renowned cytogenetist, taxonomist, ethnobotanist and conservationist Dr. Janaki Ammal Edavaleth Kakkat. The Eco-club members have labelled the tree species of the sacred grove with it's scientific name, common name and medicinal uses.
Green Audit
As a part of the Green Audit process the Eco-Club members have carried out the documentation of the Flora of the campus on 4th October, 2016. The Flora of BKC College has a total of 34 different angiosperm families with 79 species recorded so far. Undoubtedly there are few more species that remain unrecorded, especially the members of Poaceae and Cryptogams. The green vegetation of the campus not only offers a healthy environment but also provides the scope for a rich taxonomic and ecological platform for curriculum studies and plant research.

World Environment Day:
To foster the eco-friendly attitude among the College students and staff the Eco-Club gave presentations on "Ecology and Sustainable Development" in 2014 and 'Household Pollutants and its impact on Biodiversity Loss' in 2015, during the World Environment Day celebrations in the College.


Laboratory Staff

  • Mosaraf Hossain, M.A., B.Ed., Laboratory Attendant
  • Mir Tarifujjaman, Laboratory Attendant