Experimental low dimensional system, Raman & Photoluminescence spectroscopy.
Experimental Condensed Matter Physics
Material Science,Bacterial Modeling, Modeling in Structural Geology.
Non-local Quantum Field Theory, Lower dimensional field theory, Mathematical Physics.
Quantum Field Theoretic Approach to Condensed Matter Physics
High Energy Particle Physics
Theoretical Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology, Dark Matter
• The department has very energetic young faculties who are engaged in active research work in various institutes and universities.
• The department has a well-equipped laboratory for the undergraduate students where there are oscilloscopes, function generators, power supplies, multimeters etc. in sufficient numbers.
• The department provides a separate laboratory for the third year honours students which includes the electronics and the electrical experiments.
• Separate dark room is there for the optics experiments.
• There is a separate computer centre dedicated for the students of this department only.
• Recently the laboratory has been renovated and has become more spacious to accommodate quite a large number of students.
• Currently the laboratory is being equipped with experimental setups as perthe new CBCS syllabus.
• The laboratory attendants are very helpful and they arrange many additional practical classes whenever required.
• Strong teacher–student bonding is present.
• Parent-teacher meetings are held periodically to discuss the progress of the students.
• MCQ tests for the students of all years are conducted on a regular basis.
• Periodical class tests of students are taken to judge the progress of the students.
• After test exams, special classes are arranged for the benefit of the students.
• Eminent faculty members from various universities and research institutes are invited to deliver lectures on different topics which may be useful for the students.
Faculty members of this Department are involved in collaborative research activities and published a number of articles in different journals and presented papers in seminars and conferences. The Department has been selected as the Centre for assisting and guiding the students pursuing M.Sc. projects under West Bengal State University.
• Dr. AparajitaNag’s area of research is Magnetism of Rare Earth Compounds.
• Dr. Debjani Pal’s area of research is Superconductivity. She is currently working on ‘Superconducting Spintronics’.
• Dr. Manas Kumar Roy is actively doing research on Material Science and Structural Geology. He has successfully completed the UGC MRP “Dynamics of ferroelectric Nano-particles Suspended in Non-polar fluid.”He has guided students pursuing M.Sc. projects under West Bengal State University.
• Dr. PinakiPatra’s prioritized research area is Non-local Quantum Field Theory.
• Shib Shankar Singha is involved in research on Laser Raman Spectropscopy.
• Dr. AvinandaChaudhuri’s research interests include: Exploring scalar sector beyond the Standard Model of Particle Physics, Dark Matter phenomenology, Neutrino Physics, Collider phenomenology, CP Violation, Early stage of the Universe.
• Dr. Kamakshya Prasad Modak is actively involved in pursuing research in different Theoretical Aspects of Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology, Dark Matter, Physics of Neutron Stars, Inflation, Quantum Field Theory, Neutrino Physics, Physics beyond the Standard Model of Particle Physics, Physics of Early Universe and Numerical Relativity.
• To start Post Graduate course (M.Sc.)in physics and some vocational training course to give the students hands on training to repair and service electronic goods.
• To start a departmental wall magazine.
• Students'seminars are organized each year and is made compulsory for each student. The teachers select topics for the students keeping relevance with the syllabus and they are encouraged to give presentation on them.
• Students are taken to attend various OUTREACH programmes held at various research institutes.
• In winter departmental picnicsare arranged each year which had been made highly successful by the enthusiastic participation of students of both honoursand general stream.
• Ex-student of the department MsSanchari Mukherjee (2014-2017) has been recruited in an organization named "Uttaran-the House of science" through a campus interview organized by the college.
Congue nihilquod mazim placerat facer possim assum. Typi non habent claritatem insitam; est usus legentis in iis qu eorum clartatem. Investigationes demonstraverunt lectores legere me lius quod ii legunt saepius. Claritas est etiam pr dynamicus, qui sequitutionem consuetudium lectorum. Mirum est notare quam littera gothica quam nunc putamus.
The alumni of the department are well placed in different spheres of life. Many of them are associated with front ranking research institutes, universities and colleges within our country and abroad. A large section of the alumni has joined the IT sector, banking and other financial sectors, government jobs etc. We are giving the names of few of our eminent alumni