• Post-Graduate course in Mathematics has started from Academic Session 2017-18 in affiliation with West Bengal State University.
• West Bengal State University syllabus is followed for the course.
• Specializations are offered in both Applied and Pure Streams:
The special papers offered are:
Applied Stream: Continuum Mechanics, Fluid Dynamics, Fundamentals of Mathematical Biology, Fuzzy Sets and its Applications.
Pure Stream: Lie Groups and Lie Algebras, Algebraic Topology and Category Theory, Advanced Topology, Differential Topology.
• The department has a well-equipped computer and computational laboratory.
• The college library has a good collection of books for the Post-Graduate course. The department has plans to augment this further in the coming years.
• The Guest Professors associated with the department are:
Prof. Shashi Mohan Srivastava, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata
Prof. HaimantiSarbadhikari, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata
Prof. Dulal Chandra Sanyal, University of Kalyani
Prof. Rana Barua, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata
• Teachers give individual attention to students.
• Students’ Seminar in each course is part of the internal assessment. The students are encouraged to use PowerPoint/ Beamer for their presentations.
• The teachers in this department are actively involved in research activities and regularly publish articles in different journals.
• The department has plans to organize special lectures by eminent mathematicians from Academic Session 2018-19 onwards.
• The department also hopes to organize for special training to appear for NET and similar entrance examinations for higher studies in Mathematics.
The department organized a National Seminar “Knowledge Based systems” on 2nd – 3rd December, 2004 in collaboration with Indian Statistical Institute (ISI, Kolkata). A proposal of a National Seminar to be organized by the Department will be submitted to the UGC. The title of the proposed Seminar is “Algebra and its Applications”. A students’ seminar was organized by the department on 09.10.2015.
The department had organized a Teachers’ Training Workshop in collaboration with Indian Statistical Institute (ISI, Kolkata) and National Centre for Mathematics (NCM) in the first week of February, 2016.