The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of Brahmananda Keshab Chandra College was established in May 2013 by the Governing Body .The Coordinator of the first IQAC was Dr. Papia Chakraborti, Associate Professor of Botany. Since its inception the IQAC is working to meet the needs of the College with a view to improve available facilities for its stakeholders.
The second term of IQAC (August 2015 to January 2018) saw the appointment of Dr. Aparajita Nag, Associate Professor of Physics, as the coordinator. In this term apart from senior teachers, librarian and head clerk, representatives from Alumni Association and Student's Union were included. The main focus of the IQAC during the second term was to provide leadership so that the College could be accredited by NAAC and it was successful in this respect when we got accreditation in December 2016.
The third term of the IQAC began in February 2018 with the following members
Name | Designation |
Dr. Papia Chakraborti (Principal) | Chairperson |
Dr. Smritikana Chakraborty | Teacher Representatives |
Dr. Suchismita Chakraborty | Teacher Representatives |
Dr. Indranil Chattopadhyay | Teacher Representatives |
Dr. Swarup Manna | Teacher Representatives |
Dr. Sheikh Ahmed Hossain | Teacher Representatives |
Dr. Madhumita Roy | Teacher Representatives |
Shri Biswajit De (Librarian) | Teacher Representatives |
Dr. Subhendu Bikash Patra (Secretary, Teachers’ Council) | Teacher Representatives |
Dr. Pankaj Mandal | Member from Management |
Dr. Debjani Pal (Bursar) | Senior Administrative Officers |
Mr. Kalpataru Halder (GB Member) | Senior Administrative Officers |
Md. Mainul Islam (GB Member) | Senior Administrative Officers |
Mr. Arunava Ganguly (Accountant) | Senior Administrative Officers |
Swami Kamalasthananda | Nominee from Local Society |
Mr. Somnath Munshi | Nominee from Local Society |
President, Governing Body | Nominee from Employers |
Student Representative | Nominee from Students |
Mr. Goutam Maiti | Nominee from Industrialists |
Secretary, Alumni Association | Nominee from Stakeholders |
Dr. Manas Kumar Roy | Coordinator |
Nominee from Alumni |
• Dr TusharKantiGhara, Joint DPI, Government of West Bengal was invited to our college to deliver a lecture on “Data Requirement of RAF and its analysis towards improvement for a better score in NAAC” on 14th of June 2019.
• Organized a NAAC sponsoredone-day National Seminar on “Quality Assurance in the Age of Information Explosion” on the 5th of July 2019 in the College premises.
Guest of Honour→ Dr.PratipChowdhury, Former DPI, Government of West Bengal., Vice
Keynote Speaker → Professor BasabChaudhuri Vice Chancellor, West Bengal State University.
Special Lecture→ Dr.Sandip Banerjee, Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee.
Lecture 1→ Dr.ParthasarathiMukhopadhyay, Department of Library and Information Science, University of Kalyani
Lecture 2→ Prof. SudiptiBanerjea, Department of Commerce, University of Calcutta
Lecture 3→ On Cyber Security, was delivered by Mr. KuntalSidharth&Mr.AlokeMaji, Crime Cell, Lalbazar Cyber Security, Kolkata Police.
A poster presentation was arranged. Eight Participants presented posters on various aspects of the topic of the seminar.
• Organised a One-week Workshop on Data Analytics jointly with the SQC and OR division of ISI, Kolkata from 9th July to 15th July 2019. We had about 39 participants which included post graduate students, research scholars and college teachers. The resource persons were from ISI and BKC College and there was also a representative from industry viz. TCS
• In an attempt to increase the reading habit of the students IQAC organised a book-fair at the college library from 30.7.19-3.8.19 from 12 noon -4 took part in the fair which was well attended by the students and staff.
• Organised an extension lecture on Environment for the 1stsem students titled “ Manusharkotodin” Mdelivered by Sri Pradip Dutta on 20th September, 2019.
• IQAC gave away prizes and certificates in the Annual social held on 26th of September, 2019.