Teaching Staff

Imam Hossian

  • M.A
  • H.O.D and Assistant Professor
  • Nyāya

  • imamhossain107@gmail.com

Smt. Sangita Sengupta

  • M.A., M.Phil.
  • Associate Professor
  • sangitabkc@gmail.com

Smt Sampa Biswas

  • M.A
  • Assistant Professor
  • Nyāya-Vaiśeșika

  • sampabiswas03@gmail.com

i) Departmental Seminar held on 03/03/2010 titled “Samkhya-O-Yoga Darsane Iswar” funded by B.K.C College.
ii) UGC sponsored two day National Conference held on 9-10 Feb, 2012 titled “Re-writing culture, re-telling Narrative: Gender and the Politics of Representation” organized jointly by Dept. of Philosophy, English, Bengali, History in collaboration with Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata funded by UGC.

1. Sampa Biswas ( Nyaya & Vaisesika)
2.Sangita Sengupta (Samkhya)
3. Imam Hossain (Indian Philosophy)

1. Seminar on “Banglar Rangamanchar sekaler kotha”by Manaj Mitra on 09/01/2018, held jointly with department of Bengali.
2.UGC Sponsored Two days National Conference on “Re-writing Culture, Re-telling Narratives Gender and the Politics of Representation” Organized by the departments of Bengali , English , history and Philosophy in Collaboration with Linguistic Research Unit, Indian Statiscal Institute, Kolkata on 9th and 10th February 2012.
3. State Level Seminar on “Terrorism and Ethical Questions” Organized by Department of Philosophy in Collaboration With Hiralal Mazumdar Memorial College For Women on 21st and 22nd December, 2010.
4. A Seminar Organized by Department of Philosophy on 26th September,2016.Prof. Imam Hossain delivered a Lecture on “Environmental Ethics” and Prof. Sampa Biswas delivered a Lecture on “Euthanasia”.
